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Большой конкурс Лета от LSR

LSR, 2009-10-08 05:06:32 +00:00

Наконец настало время подвести итоги Большого летнего конкурса РФФЛ во всех трёх номинациях. Самой популярной и самой представительной категорией стала номинация «Замок». На втором и третьем месте «Космос» и «Транспорт». При этом по нашему мнению в каждой категории есть интересные работы международного уровня.

Теперь слово за Экспертным жюри, которое на первом этапе отберёт из каждой категории по пять лучших работ. После чего свой выбор будут делать члены Российского Фан-Клуба Лего и примкнувшие к ним пользователи, приславшие работы на конкурс, но пока не вступившие в клуб.

Совет форума.


It's time to summarize The RFFL's Summer Contest in all three categories.

The "Castle" category has become the most popular genre. The "Space" and "Transport" categories tied for the second and third place. There are MOCs of highest quality in each of the categories. Now let our Jury of Experts pick the top 5 creations in each category in the first round. Then the right to choose THE BEST MOC in each category will be given to the members of RFCL and the authors of the MOCs who have not joined the Club yet.

The Council.

Svend Erik Saksun, 2009-10-16 00:12:46 +00:00

Свен Эрик Саксен (Svend Erik Saksun) проживает в дани и занимается LEGO уже более 50 лет. За это время ему удалось привлечь к своему хобби всю семью, жену и троих детей.

Больше всего его интересуют темы Замок, Пираты, Космос и Город, при этом не остаются без внимания и другие серии. В своём творчестве он пытается найти новые методы конструирования и нестандартного использования деталей. А некоторое время назад он стал придумывать про свои работы занимательные истории.

Сейчас жизнь Свена Эрика делится на три части LEGO, живописи и семья, особенно много времени он уделяет шести внукам, с которыми естественно играет в LEGO.

Посмотреть его творчество можно на Flickr и Brickshelf

Castle votings by Svend Erik Saksun, LEGO Ambassador

In prioritized order:

1. The Rainbow Tower

Wonderful MOC and a brilliant use of colours and thorough use of minifigs – also in matching colours. The brilliance continues at the backside of the MOC. My favourite detail is the rearing horse.

A real master piece. No weak spots which makes it a clear winner.

2. The Shelter by the Fountain

War Lord demonstrates a lot of building skills and fantasy in this very beautiful MOC. There are so many nice details that makes it hard to choose a favourite: The cat and the birds, the master in the dining hall, the cellar with barrels...

A very, very nice MOC.

3. Dark Lord Residence

A very nice MOC with a fantastic ball room scenery. But there are other surprises: The scaring torture cellar but with a humoristic touch, the dining hall which also is a little scaring and a wonderful piano scene.

The interior is world class – and if the building outside was a the same level this would have been the indisputable winner...

4. Andre Fortress

A well proportioned and nicely done MOC. A lot of details inside are raising this MOC above average. It is difficult to choose a favourite among the very nice scenes: The torture chamber (or is it a blacksmith?), the prisoner cell, the throne room, the reading witch, and the dining hall...

A promising MOC. I look forward to see more from his hand.

5. Reed Roof Castle

An impressive and very well done MOC. The landscape and the rocks are very nicely executed. The roof technique is new to me and gives the building an extra touch of originality. The basement is a surprise and so well done that the MOC would pass even without the castle.

More details and interior would have made this MOC a clear winner.

Denmark, 15th October 2009

Svend Erik Saksun

Space votings by Svend Erik Saksun, LEGO Ambassador

In prioritized order:

1. Space Security II

A well shaped and a very beautiful MOC. Amazing with so many details on such a small fighter plane. And on top of that Raider is a very skilled photographer.

2. Spaceship ARS-38

A well proportioned kind of “Viper-like” spaceship in classic colours. A clean and simple design and no unnecessary parts.

3. M-Tron returns

Clever use of transparent parts on a well shaped spaceship. The armament is very well don and contributes to make this an impressive fighter machine.

Even the cat seems to like it...

4. Omega M-3 spaceship

A very impressive spaceship with various building techniques and a lot of details.

5. Megastrike spacefighter

Very nice little X-wing fighter. Simple but beautiful.

Denmark, 15th October 2009

Svend Erik Saksun

Transport votings by Svend Erik Saksun, LEGO Ambassador

In prioritized order:

1. Night Watch Emergency Truck

This truck is close to perfect. The shape, the colour and the decals give it a very reliable expression. If the outside details are good the interior is even better.

2. Duo Car Convertible

Either you like this unique but somewhat ugly thing or you don’t. But an innovative design combined with a bright colour and exciting multi functions makes this vehicle outstanding.

3. Hippotamus and Co, - Raiders Transport

Nice little “Unimog-like” multi purpose vehicle. The trailer is very well done and the whole set has a very high play value. A very nice MOC.

4. Nascar Race car # 56

This is probably the most beautiful Nascar MOC I have ever seen... A very nice colour scheme, decals and a perfect shape make this car a winner.

5. Topol-M Missile Transporter

A very nice vehicle. The nice colour scheme and some nice details make it look almost like the real thing.

Denmark, 15th October 2009

Svend Erik Saksun

Nannan Zhang, 2009-10-16 22:56:18 +00:00

Нэннэн (Nannan)

[imgx=250] [/imgx]

Нэннэн появился в онлайновом ЛЕГО-сообществе в 2004 году.

И хотя он строил из ЛЕГО не переставая с девяти лет, только просмотр чужих работ на Brickshelf вдохновил его на новый уровень работ. Сейчас он строит работы на разные темы, и они обычно становятся выдающимися. Его можно найти на форумах

Classic Space, FBTB, Builders Lounge.

У него есть галереи на Brickshelf, MOCpages и Flickr, а также магазинчик на BrickLink.

Thanks once again for inviting me to participate as a judge. I am honored to judge for this community.


Замок "The Castle"

I like castle with landscaping, and here you have a classic scene with both land and water. I think you can use more bricks to give the landscape a more natural shape.

Таверна "Приют у Фонтана" "The Shelter by the Fountain" Tavern

-Good details all around, especially the minifigs. Their poses really brings life to this creation.

Башня радуги "The Rainbow Tower"

This is a very creative work. I like how you matched the maidens to each floor of the castle. The natural backdrop and the flowers make the scene more whimsical.

Замок с красной черепицей "The castle with the red-tiled roof"

Really nice work and expert photography. Good job with the landscaping and making the rocks look natural. I like the extra ruined underground area underneath the castle.

Новый хозяин старой башни, новый хозяин мира? "New owner of the old Tower of Orthank"

The tower has a good shape and the four-pronged structure on the top is a nice touch.


Omega M3, Космический корабль "Omega M3 spaceship'

-Good creation and good shape. I like the wings on the sides of the ship. You may have used too many colors. I think you should keep either the dark red or the lime green. Having both is a little distracting unless it's the style of the ship to have many colors.

ARS-38 "The spaceship "ARS-38"

-A nifty small ship. The blue stripes and SNOT wings are signs of more advanced building. You could make the creation better by adding some details such as greebles.

Космический Грузовой Корабль - "Разрушитель -3000" "Freight spaceship "Destroyer-3000"

-I like the Bionicle weapons on the corners of this craft. I think you can improve on the presentation by taking the pictures on a white poster board.

SpaceSecurity-II, истребитель космической полиии SpaceSecurity-II, the space fighter of the space police

-My favorite part on this is the shiny blue dome and the brushes on the engines. Keep up the good photos also.

M-Tron returns

-Good take on a classic theme. I think that having less guns would make the ship look less cluttered. You should also use the transparent neon green sparingly for greater accenting. Good use of the classic lego space elements.


-МБР «Тополь-М» "Topol-M" missile transporter"

Good work on the patterns on the carrier. I like the weapons on the sides and the working steering on the wheels.

Ночной дозор "Night watch" emergency truck"

-The custom stickers add personality to this truck. If you can use bigger wheels, that'll make the truck more realistic.

Эвакуатор "Tow truck"

Good techniques on the front of the truck. I also like the functioning flatbed that can be tilted.

Машинка Наскар No 56 "NASCAR racecar #56"

-Very nice photography and good use of stickers. The overall shape is very realistic and the windshield usage is clever.

"Гиппопотамище и К°", Грузовая колонна рейдеров "Hippopotamus and Co." Raider's transport"

-Good use of the treads and color coordination between the black and yellow. Your photos have too much exposure, maybe you could use less lighting so the model isn't overly bright.

Again, thanks for the opportunity to judge. Thanks for everyone's participation and keep building!


Nathan Becraft, 2009-10-18 16:18:11 +00:00

Castle Category

The Castle: Nice castle with skillfully done water and landscape elements.

Красивый замок, вода и элементы ланжшафта сделаны мастерски.

The Shelter by the Fountain Tavern: I really enjoy seeing castle town creations that show civilian buildings, and this one is nicely done, tucked under a castle wall. A lot going on with this and it is probably my personal favoirte.

Мне нравятся работы на тему замков, демонстрирующие мирные постройки и эта работа красиво собрана, укрывшись под крепостной стеной. Много разных сценок и это, наверное, мой фаворит.

The Rainbow Tower: I like the creativity of using colors that are unusual in most castle creations. And this is really big!

Мне понравилась задумка использования цветов, которые обычно не встречаются в самодельных замках. И она действительно большая!

The Castle with Red-tile Roof: The castle is good, but the brick-built road is fantastic.

Неплохой замок, а дорога, собранная из кубиков - просто фантастика.

The Ritual Dungeon: Very solid and I like the construction of the drawbridge.

Очень цельная и мне понравилась конструкция подъёмного моста.

Space Category

Omega M3: Big and just looks like a spaceship that I would not want to mess with.

Большой и выглядит как космический корабль, с которым не хотелось бы связываться.

ARS-38: I especially like the stripes on the wings and the tilted engines in the back.

Особенно понравились полосы на крыльях и наклоненные двигетели в хвосте.

Megastrike: I just like that it looks like a cross between a bug and an X-wing.

Мне просто понравилось, что это выглядит как смесь жучка и истребителя X-Wing (Икс-Винг) из "Звёздных Войн".

SpaceSecurity II: Looks sleek and fast.

Выглядит гладким и быстрым.

M-tron returns: This creation made me remember how much I like those colors.

Эта работа заставила меня вспомнить, как я люблю эти цвета.

Transport Category

Heavy Hauler: Nice solid truck with good techniques used to create a very practical vehicle.

Красивый грузовик, при сборке практичной модели использованы интересные приёмы.

Topol-M: These ballistic missile launchers and the mobile missile regiments marching through Moscow are iconic for people around the world. Pretty much the baddest thing that can possibly be transported. And this creation, especially with the camouflage captures the image very well.

Эти пусковые установки баллистических ракет и мобильные ракетные войска, проезжающие по Москве стали культовыми для людей всего мира. Вероятно это - худшая штука, которую можно перевозить. И эта работа, особенно в камуфляже, создаёт отчётливый образ.

Night Watch: Beautiful colors, solid construction and I like all the lights.

Отличное сочетание цветов, прочная конструкция, и мне нравятся все лампочки-огоньки.

Tow Truck: Trucks just like this have helped me when I have been stranded on the road, so these have a warm place in my heart.

Именно такие грузовики помогли, когда я застрял на дороге, так что для них в моём сердце есть укромное местечко.

Hippopotamus and Co.: The shape and design of the vehicles is very unique, I like the way the front vehicle slopes down to the big tires.

Форма и консктрукция транспортных средств уникальна. Понравилось, как передняя часть машины расширяется к большим шинам.

Thank you for letting me judge this contest. It has been fun.

Спасибо за предоставленную возможность оценивать конкурсные работы. Это было здорово.


Manuela, 2009-10-20 21:41:28 +00:00


1. The Rainbow Tower

I like the complete moc. The colours are great. It harmonized complete. The details are wonderful.

The minifigs are great and the bee looks realisticJ

2. The castle with the red tiled roof

The landscape and the rocks are fantastic. They look great and I would love to do holiday thereJ

The roof is a new technique for me. I never have seen it before.

3. The new owner of the old tower of orthank

Very nice details and a fine moc

4. The castle

Very good ideas. Nice landscape, nice idea with water and land

5. Forestman hideout

Nice storie, nice details. I like it


There’s no ranking. Space is not my favorite categorie. I have to see it and I have to like it.

This are my favorite mocs. I like the details.


1. Night watch emergency truck

I like the details fort he moc and the conversion .­

Best regards


Manuela, 2009-10-21 18:55:22 +00:00

Hi all,

My name is Manuela Wesselski. I’m from Germany. I live in the near of Hamburg.

I’m 37 years old, married with Thomas and we have a daughter, 9 years old.

I visit events in Europe. I was this year in Austria (St. P?lten), Italy (Ballabio), Germany (Berlin and Kaltenkirchen) and in Denmark (Skaerbaek).

We build smaller moc’s so that we can take them in the hand luggage to the events. Maybe some know me from bricklink.

I built a flower vase and a game. Thomas likes to build maxifigs.

I’m proud that I was choosed to vote your moc’s. It wasn’t an easy job. They were all great and if it would be possible I would vote for all.


Peter Reid, 2009-10-30 12:02:10 +00:00

My five winners in the Space category are:

Space-GAZelle spaceship: I love the smoothness behind the cockpit.

The spaceship "ARS-38": Sideways wing construction looks good here.

"Megastrike" spacefighter": Perfect colours and shape.

"Ferrari spacecar": Great lines on this model.

SpaceSecurity-II: Excellent controlled stud technique and profiling.

Well done to all builders in this contest!

Peter Reid

Ralph Savelsberg, 2009-10-30 12:12:13 +00:00

And here are my choices for the vehicle cathegory (in random order):

"Tow truck"

I like everything about it: the size, the fact that the mechanism for the loadbed works, the driveshaft leading to the rear wheels. It combines good looks and working features in a small package.

"Night watch" emergency truck

I like LEGO models that are representations of real vehicles, so this one is just my kind of thing. It looks uniquely Russian and is highly detailed.

"Duocar" convertible

This is just wonderfully silly. It didn't make much sense when looked at the first picture, but I'm glad I took another look to see the transformation. Very cleverly done.

"T.S.A." - Truck Super ATV

It's perhaps a bit spacy for my tastes, but I love the originality and the clever use of parts all round. I also like the doors, despite the apparent safety issues!

'Topol-M' missile transport

This seems somehow very fitting for a competition held in the former Soviet Union and it is intantly recognisable as the real thing. I'm impressed by the technic elements such as working steering on multiple front wheels and the camouflage turned out well.

A few were easy picks, but I had great trouble picking my final choices, because I like all of them. You guys can be proud of the quality of the entries.



ZeeK, 2009-11-04 15:13:53 +00:00

Номинация "Замок":

Таверна - интересная задумка с над- и подземной частью

Радужная башня - умопомрачительная ЛЕГО-цветовая феерия

Замок с красной крышей - отличная техника постройки

Резиденция Тёмного Лорда - невероятное сооружение

Новый хозяин старой башни - внимание к деталям

Номинация "Космос"

Омега М-3 - масштабно, с размахом

ARS-38 - интересная конструкция

Белоснежная комета - довольно самобытно, бальзам на душу поклонников классического космоса

Space Security II - отлично сделано

M-Tron - за сохранение духа серии

Номинация "Транспорт"

Тополь-М - необычный объект для моделирования

Ночной Дозор - высочайшая детализация и сходство с прототипом

Эвакуатор - мирно, со вкусом

НАСКАР - ярко, зрелищно

Гиппопотамище - оригинально, куча "финтифлюшек"

LSR, 2009-11-05 20:52:17 +00:00

Проголосовал за

Номинация "Замок":

Замок - выделяется за счёт отличного ландшафт дополняющего замок

Таверна "Приют у Фонтана - прекрасно проработанная многоуровневая и много эпизодная композиция

Башня радуги - идея, идея и ещё раз идея плюс прекрасное исполнение

Замок с красной черепицей - масштабная работа европейского исполнения

Новый хозяин старой башни, новый хозяин мира? - узнаваемо, гармонично и достаточно детализировано

Номинация "Космос"

Omega M3 - эпическая работа а-ля Звёздные войны

ARS-38 - простенько, но со вкусом плюс приятное цветовое решение

«Истребитель "Мегастрайк» - почти конфетка сделанная из минимума деталей

SpaceSecurity-II истребитель космической полици - гладко, модульно и замысловато

M-Tron returns - классика в новом прочтении

Номинация "Транспорт"

МБР «Тополь-М» - зверь машина похожая на оригинал плюс к этому ещё и ездит

Ночной Дозор - самая реалистичная работа конкурса

T.S.A. Truck Super ATV - выбрана за оригинальность

Эвакуатор - сделана по леговски

Машинка Наскар No 56 - качественная работа с изюминкой

Конечно не все эксперты проголосовали, но финалисты определились однозначно поэтому первый этап считаем закрытым.

Проанализировав выбор жюри мы пришли к мнению, что в финальную часть надо отобрать по шесть работ, а не по пять, как планировалось изначально.

Поэтому во второй этап проходят:

Номинация "Замок":

Замок - 7

Таверна "Приют у Фонтана - 8

Башня радуги - 10

Замок с красной черепицей - 10

Резиденция Тёмного Лорда - 6

Новый хозяин старой башни, новый хозяин мира? - 7

Номинация "Космос"

Omega M3 - 9

Космический корабль "Космо-газель" - 4

ARS-38 - 8

«Истребитель "Мегастрайк» - 6

SpaceSecurity-II истребитель космической полиции - 8

M-Tron returns - 7

Номинация "Транспорт"

МБР «Тополь-М» - 9

Ночной Дозор - 10

Дуомобиль - 5

Эвакуатор - 6

Машинка Наскар No 56 - 8

"Гиппопотамище и К°" - 7

Голосование ПП начнётся завтра и продлится неделю.